the members of the brotherhood all share a common rule of life. it is this rule which we pledge to follow when we profess vows. while we have other governing structures besides the rule, it is the rule which plays the most important role in shaping our lives. the rule of the brotherhood of saint Gregoryof vowsa brother makes the vow of poverty by dedicating a major portion of the fruit of his labor to the church and to the brotherhood.a brother makes the vow of chastity as follows: chastity is the decision to live with all in love, with respect for each person's integrity. it is not a denial of one's sexuality and capacity for love, but a dedication of the whole self to God: free from indecency or offensiveness and restrained from all excess, in order to be free to love others without trying to possess or control. a brother makes the vow of obedience to Jesus Christ as his only Lord and Savior, to the discipline of the episcopal church, the provisions of the rule of the brotherhood, and to the minister general and other pastoral officials as appropriate. of the life of a brotherit shall be the objective of a brother to live deliberately and actively, corporately and singly, in such a manner that his every living moment may be an exemplification of the motto of the brotherhood: soli Deo gloria—to God alone the glory, that those persons who may come to know him may by his example be brought the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. a brother must endeavor to witness to our Redeemer's love with quietness, patience, humility, charity, courage, and prayer, knowing that it is not he who shall finally bring the light, but only that he shall become a messenger for the One who is the light.of the life of the brotherhoodit is the obligation of the brotherhood to support the work of a brother in his own witness to the gospel. every brother is vital to the brotherhood and is an integral member of the body. let none be lost through negligence, ignorance, or pride; but let each be continually fortified and strengthened with brotherly love one toward another.of the work of the brotherhoodit is the work of the brotherhood to witness to the love of God in Christ Jesus, which has been freely bestowed upon us and upon all of creation. this witness grows and is nurtured by a life in conversation with God, and is nourished daily by active prayer and meditation while living fully in the secular world.a brother will develop the talents given to him by God in his service in the work and worship of the church. a brother shall use these talents to the best of his ability in the apostolate and ministry to which he is called. of common worshipit is the obligation of each brother to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist at least once in each week and, when possible, once in each day. he shall properly prepare for and give thanks for this privilege. dispensation can only be granted by the minister is the obligation of each brother to pray the offices on a daily basis, and the book of common prayer is to be used for this purpose. other offices may be substituted only when a brother is taking part in a communal or public service (e.g.: when on retreat at a religious house using another form of office). dispensation from saying the noonday office may be granted by the minister general when it is impractical by virtue of a brother's work. of private devotiona brother is required to meditate for fifteen minutes in each day unless he is to hear or deliver a sermon or homily on that day.a brother shall set aside two hours or more in each week for the study of holy scripture or other material on the spiritual life. the example and teachings of our patron, saint Gregory the great, shall be held in high esteem by each brother. a portion of his biography or his writings shall be included in the annual reading of each brother, to be assigned by the minister general at annual chapter. the strength of the brotherhood is dependent on the prayer life of each brother. of individual renewala brother shall make a careful examination of conscience as to his observance of the rule and report as directed. he shall heed any counsel which may be given to him as a result of this report.all brothers shall be alert to the possibility to a call to retreat at the weekend closest to the patronal festival of the brotherhood, or at the embertides. of work as an apostolatework, being our share in creation and partnership with God in that creation, can be sanctified. all labor is equal in glory, honor, and importance, and the work of a brother should bear these qualities. keeping in mind that all talents are gifts of the Holy Spirit, the work of all brothers must be to the greater glory of God. work is an oblation to God, as is service to our fellow man. we must therefore give the best that we can offer.
about being a brother: